Love Record! The furthest distance travelled for giving a bouquet to his wife.

Love Record! The furthest distance travelled for giving a bouquet to his wife.

Love Record! The furthest distance travelled for giving a bouquet to his wife.

On march 23rd 2016, Mr. David V. from Barcelona, travelled on a business trip to South Korea. Before coming back to Barcelona, he bought a bouquet in the city of Gwangju for his wife Sandra L. Some days before, that couple celebrated the 10th anniversary of the marriage.

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Love Record! The furthest distance travelled for giving a bouquet to his wife.

The tour of the bouquet on David’s return on 28th march 2016, was Gwangju to Seoul by car, Seoul –Frankfurt by plane, and Frankfurt – Barcelona by plane. The total of the kilometers by car and plane was 9.892.

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Mr. David V, brought the bouquet from the other side of the planet to his wife to proof he always thinks on her and he loves her a lot. Sandra L, when received the bouquet was very happy and surprised, and now this is a Love Official World Record!

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